Set everything else aside for just a second. Aren't you tired of talking about him? Aren't you tired of any discussion of serious political or social matters at any level - federal, state, local, community - somehow eventually being sucked back into the howling void he has created over the past ten years? Aren't you tired of the top story each day being what he has said or insinuated and what it means or doesn't mean and how serious he was or wasn't, whether some state or local official is proposing policies aligned with his philosophy or pledging fealty to him, whether he is most akin to one of history's worst leaders or if it's actually...aren't you tired of that?
Aren't you tired of the bitching? How aggrieved a man with a net worth greater than the GDP of Fiji can be about a system that has facilitated fame and fortune beyond anyone's wildest dreams? How the media, and the courts, and debate moderators, and the rules writ large, and his political opponents (simultaneously bumbling, senile idiots and Charles Ponzi-level schemers), and, like, department stores have been so mean and nasty to him? How much whining can come from a man alleged to exude such strength and traditional masculinity, who has never been for want for anything in his life?
And all this while you struggle to balance the budget, to work 12-hour days to make ends meet, to decide whether to go to urgent care or pay the electric bill because you can't afford to do both, to save for a house to raise your kids in, to break off part of your precious time and savings to help a struggling friend or family member, to work two jobs while attending school just to afford to keep going. The common cruelties for those of us without gilded bank accounts. And we're supposed to feel sorry for him? We're supposed to grant him the privilege of representing our nation? Of representing us?
Aren't you tired of being told, day in and day out, how f***ing horrible everything is? Not that our country is flawed or has real problems that require real solutions produced by qualified adults, but that the very fabric of our country is tattered beyond repair? That the well is poisoned and the only person who can purify it is a man who had four years to do it already? That any place in the country with more than two high-rise buildings is a warzone despite all evidence to the contrary? That the solution to all problems - crime, drug addiction, housing prices - conveniently hinges on the existence of a group of people who likely do not look like you? That you should be afraid, always afraid, and angry, but mostly afraid, because "they're" coming for you? Aren't you tired of the crux of the strategy being how much, and how quickly, and how broadly he can hurt someone who isn't you in service of returning to a nebulous "greatness?"
Aren't you tired of pretending that he has any clue what to do about the economy besides "press the button that makes the treats come out?" Isn't that what you can't stand about the Other Guys? Aren't you tired of the party of fiscal responsibility and free markets spending as much, if not more money, than the Other Guys, but on different stuff?
Aren't you tired of him telling you, in no uncertain terms, that he has no plan, no interests, no new ideas generated in the four years since he was relieved of his duties, no strategy beyond plumbing the depths of knuckle-dragging ugliness and hatred? Imagine interviewing someone for a job - because that's what this is, after all: prospective public servants being interviewed by us, the citizens and employers, for a job. Imagine asking one of the candidates how they would do part of that job and hearing him respond that he can't tell you because he doesn't have the job yet (but he has "concepts of a plan," be assured). Isn't that insulting? Aren’t you insulted by that answer?
Aren't you tired of him not knowing how the job actually works? How a tariff works? How federal agencies work? Aren't you tired of a candidate for the most powerful office in the world citing "people on television" as a reliable source? Aren't you tired of him trying to sell you "As Seen on TV"-level junk while positioning himself as the Savior in Chief (again)?
Aren't you tired of the incessant drone, the same story told in marginally different ways for nearly a decade, by the same angry, boring old man? Aren't you sick of the goddamn circus? Don't you want to see what comes after?
Aren’t you tired of all this yet? And if not, why aren't you?
I'm so tired, I agree - well written!