Friday, January 1, 2016

On Resolutions

This isn’t a New Year’s resolution.

If this were a New Year’s resolution, it would probably fail. That’s what happens with the lion’s share of them. If “New Year’s Resolution” played baseball, it would be Ryan Howard; the occasional hit would be exciting and have a strong likelihood of leaving the park, but more often than not, it would leave you disappointed – particularly if your New Year’s resolution was to learn to hit curveballs from left-handed pitching.

But enough about poorly-constructed metaphors. Let’s get back to this not-New Year’s resolution.

It’s an exercise. It’s an attempt to practice discipline. It’s an effort to stretch boundaries and try new things. It’s a way to get back to something I used to do a lot more often: write for fun.
This is a lot of things, but it sure as hell ain’t a New Year’s resolution.

I co-owned a blog. I wrote on it sometimes. I enjoyed doing that. The great part about being your own editor is that no subject is out of bounds and you can try some weird stuff out. The bad part about being your own editor is that nobody is cracking the whip but you. And when you find that, of all the videos on the Internet, you relate to this one the best…well, the deadlines stretch about as far as your waistline does.

So rather than continue to plug away on a blog I started three years ago that I rarely use today except to remind myself that the Sixers beat a good NBA time once, I’m marking some new territory here. The goal: to write one post every day for a calendar year.

There will be some music talk. There will be some sports talk. There will be some current events talk. There will be some OLD MAN YELLS AT CLOUD talk. There will be some jokes – a couple of them might even be good (which means they won’t be mine). There will be many Frank Drebin videos.

Some of the posts will be long. Some won’t.

What I’m asking from you, the reader (I know there’s one of you out there somewhere), is simple: I’d like your feedback. I’d like your suggestions for topics, because God knows I can only write about Coheed and Cambria for, like, 330 days. And I’d like your support. A study suggests that New Year’s resolutions are more likely to succeed when people make them public and get support from their friends and family.

Of course, that would only be useful if this were a New Year’s resolution. Which it isn’t. It’s a blog. It says so in the title. It’s right there, I can’t believe you missed it.

(Note: Despite the name Kazblog 365, you will still be subjected to the horrors of Kazblog for the entire 366 days of Leap Year. Stock your fallout shelters appropriately)

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